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Showing posts from January, 2018

The Tamil Singularity - Ponniyin Selvan!

I wonder why I took so many years to get to this epic. Reflecting back, I think it would have been a hither-imposed fear to read complicated Tamil or the thither- proclaimed flair for everything English, books and royalty included. It just took the first 100 pages of this Kalki’s magnum opus to make me comprehend the irrationality of both the above self and external imposters. I realized how easy it is to read Kalki or how much I’m in love with my Tamil roots, literature and royalty included! If there was anything real about an organic change, it is what Ponniyin Selvan did to me, and I could not but write about it. And, the good news is that, I’m not the only one Ponniyin Selvan has done this to or will do this to.  I see the people of Tamilnadu in a new incandescent light, and with a bit of narcissism that I come from the same territory. I’ve always preferred the dusky complexion, but now, I’ve come to love the dark-skinned Tamil women who adorn their wardrobes with ostentati...